''The Problem Solverz'' is an American animated television series created by Ben Jones, a member of the art collective Paper Rad, for Cartoon Network. The series centers on the trio of Alfe, Roba, and Horace, as they solve the problems that plague their town, Farboro. Various characters from the series were conceived through Jones' education at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, with the main trio appearing in the Paper Rad animated DVD film, ''Trash Talking''. The series was later pitched and published to Adult Swim's official website; the network later prompted Jones to retool it as a children's series for Cartoon Network. ==Synopsis == The series centers on the titular Problem Solverz trio of Alfe, Roba, and Horace, as they take up solving (and sometimes creating) the various problems that plague their town, Farboro. * Alfe (pronounced ''Alfé'') is a large, fluffy, half man-dog-anteater creature who was found and raised by Horace when he was young; in one episode, he claimed he lived in a cage as a child. He loves devouring large quantities of food, especially pizza, and acts impulsively during missions. Like a cat, he coughs up furballs whenever he chews his fur (voiced by Ben Jones). * Roba is the smartest member of them, being a half robot half human cyborg, who is incredibly insecure and anxious about everything. He is Horace's twin brother (also voiced by Ben Jones). * Horace is the calm and collected leader of the team, usually using common sense with his actions and taking care after Alfe, his companion. He is Roba's twin brother (voiced by Kyle Kaplan). To their aid is Tux Dog (voiced by John DiMaggio), an extremely wealthy dog who helps the Problem Solverz in some of their cases, but is just as often the source of their problems. He insults Roba for his personality flaws and appearance and speaks with a British accent. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The Problem Solverz」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク